HERRYS magazine

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Zvonku extravagancia, zvnútra kvalita. Metropolis je vo finálnej rovinke, odhaľuje definitívnu podobu
Extravagance on the Outside, Quality on the Inside. Metropolis is in the Final Straight, Revealing its Definitive Form
Metropolis is one of the most striking projects in downtown, i.e. in the new center of Bratislava. However, it is not given by its height - in this respect it is lower than many surrounding projects. This is due to its shape in the form of a capital letter M. However, its developer, Mint Investments, wants to prove that its standard and quality will also be exceptional.Inside the Capital MProjects...
Bratislavský Metropolis si vyberá. Obchodné priestory nepredá hocikomu
Bratislava Metropolis choose. They will not Sell their Business Premises to Anyone
The new building in the shape of the letter M is nearing completion. Recently, sale of its business premises was launched. They chose a different procedure than many other developers in Bratislava.From the very beginning, Metropolis has been profiled as premium housing - both due to its location and the quality of the materials and technologies used.Interested Parties are Carefully SelectedThe pro...
success rate is 94%
The average sales time is only 1 month
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HERRYS magazín jar/leto 2019 HERRYS magazine
Real estate dictionary
Viete, ako spoznať kvalitnú novostavbu a ísť pri kúpe na istotu?
Finding quality and certainty in Bratislava’s new-build market
Investing in an apartment requires thoughtful consideration, whether you’re looking for a home or you see an apartment primarily as an investment. There are many criteria to go by, but if they can be summed up in one word, it is quality.The key to making a sound decision comes down to appreciating the quality of the apartment – the craftsmanship, materials, and technology that will preserve an...
Mint Investments: Rezidenčný projekt Metropolis urobí z bývania zážitok
Mint Investments: Discover the Future of Living at Metropolis
City living with a healthy home. Thanks to the residential project Metropolis you can both. The building brings tomorrow’s technology to residents today and with it the opportunity to maximise the use of their living space. Sebastien Dejanovski, a partner at the developer Mint Investments talks about the project’s progress as well as the exceptional technology and materials...

New builds

Najdrahšia novostavba v Bratislave ponúka top technológie: Za koľko v nej kúpite byt?
Bratislava’s most expensive new-build boasts cutting-edge technology. How much does an apartment there cost?
Bratislava’s Downtown district is home to some of Slovakia’s most lucrative properties. The Metropolis project might not be setting any height records, nevertheless it stands out with the highest apartment prices in the city centre. Far from deterring buyers, this seems to enhance its appeal.Two thirds soldOf the 292 apartments on offer, 65% have already found their new owners, with the pricie...
Keď sa rast cien vráti, bude ešte vyšší, ako ľudia očakávajú, hovorí developer Metropolisu
When price growth returns, it will surpass expectations, says Metropolis developer
Prague is less attractive than Bratislava, as everything there is UNESCO-protected, explains Sebastien Dejanovski, one of the partners of the Czech-Slovak company Mint Investments.In the world of comics, “Metropolis” is the city that is home to Superman, his allies, and his enemies. Today it takes on a new meaning – a landmark residential project in Bratislava. In the Downtown there is a res...
Metropolis sa blíži k dokončeniu
Metropolis is nearing completion
Construction of the Metropolis residential project in Bratislava’s Downtown is nearing completion. The last series of apartments will be added to the offer, while retail premises are also taking shape. These will offer services and amenities to Metropolis residents and the public. Construction is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2024; owners will be able to move in the autum...
Mint Investments: Stavbu budúcnosti si môžu rezidenti užiť už dnes
Mint Investments: Living in the future today
Metropolis brings a high standard of living not just in terms of architecture, but more importantly, in state-of-the-art technology that today’s buildings cannot compete with. The blend of timeless architecture with smart technology solutions and a perfect location is discussed by Sebastien Dejanovski, partner at Mint Investments.What makes Bratislava attractive for a Czech invest...
Výstavba Metropolisu napreduje, v downtowne sa už týči jeho ikonické písmeno M 
Construction of Metropolis is advancing, its iconic M-shape already towers over the downtown 
Construction of the Metropolis residential project in Bratislava’s downtown is nearing its completion, changing the panorama of Bratislava’s downtown. The two towers of Metropolis, jointly forming the iconic shape M, have now reached their full height, culminating at nearly 63 metres at their highest point. Completion is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024. The Metropolis residential ...
Metropolis je projekt, s ktorým večer zaspávame a ráno sa zobúdzame
Metropolis is a project that is with us day and night
Miriam Besenyei and David Kobulnický, experienced builders from the Japanese company Takenaka, talk about their relationship to the project of two M-shaped residential towers, which they have been working on since the beginning of the construction of the upper structure. Both have several successful construction projects under their belt. They will reveal what makes Metropolis special for them an...
Metropolis bude bez radiátorov a klimatizácie
Metropolis will be without radiators and air conditioning
Inteligentná domácnosť môže mať rôzne podoby a nemusí ísť len o svietenie či ovládanie domácich spotrebičov. Inteligentne si dnes viete kúriť, chladiť aj vetrať – dokonca bez radiátorov, klimatizácie a otvorených okien. Nenápadné technológie, ktoré inštalujú v Metropolise, navyše sami šetria prevádzkové energetické náklady.As a standard, Metropolis will be equipp...
Inovácie v Metropolise prinášajú harmóniu medzi komfortom a energeticky šetrnou prevádzkou budovy
Innovations in Metropolis will bring balance in comfort and energy-efficient building operation
Metropolis, together with neighbouring projects, complements the character of the new downtown, which has the ambition to become the most advanced city quarter of Bratislava. Everything being created here today sets the high level of quality by which the zone will develop in the future. The construction and technological solutions in the project are at the highest standards in terms of both living...
Chcel sa živiť hudbou, no odhovoril ho známy muzikant. Dnes je z neho úspešný architekt
A famous musician talked him out of pursuing a career in music. Instead, he became a successful architect
Juraj Sonlajtner is an architect working in the Prague studio City Work Architects. Slovakia is home to the first project from his drawing board. It is the Metropolis building in the new Bratislava downtown.“I see it as a sort of homecoming of mine,” says Sonlajtner, adding at the same time that there are other plans awaiting him in Slovakia. In his opinion, Slovakia, in comparison with our Cz...
Udržateľnosť je schopnosť robiť biznis tak, aby dlhodobo prinášal prospech všetkým zúčastneným
Sustainability is the ability to do business so that it brings long-term benefits to all stakeholders
Mint Investments Group has successful track record stretching back over 20 years in asset management, property management and development. It has implemented a number of successful development projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the heart of the modern downtown, it is building the attractive Metropolis project, which has been attracting public attention from the very beginning. In an i...
Najlepší pripravovaný projekt bývania na Slovensku. Počuli ste už o Metropolise?
The best upcoming housing project in Slovakia. Have you heard of Metropolis?
The real estate market is gearing up once more after a complicated 2022. December and January are already being evaluated positively by some real estate agencies.  People wishing to address their housing situation are turning their plans into reality. The major interest is in top real estate in terms of location, quality of standard or layout. The most likely key is the fact that there have b...
V tomto roku budú pri kúpe bytov bodovať lokalita a kvalita. Predaje v Metropolise to potvrdzujú
Apartment buying this year will be dominated by location and quality, as confirmed by the sales in Metropolis
Due to the war in Ukraine, uncertain market development, inflation and rising interest rates, the 2023 outlooks did not seem positive back in the last year’s winter. But January this year brought around a number of hopeful signals, especially from the ECB leaders, indicating that the 2023 economy in European countries may experience only a mild recession or even avoid one all together. The macro...
Metropolis má silný tím: Mint Investments, Takenaku a Grinity. Dôležitý je spoločný cieľ
Metropolis has a strong team: Mint Investments, Takenaka, and Grinity. A common goal is important
We talked with Martin Tkáč from Grinity, which provides technical supervision services for the investor at the Metropolis construction site, about what new features the project brings to Bratislava’s downtown zone, and about the largest challenges he has encountered in this project. He will also reveal how he perceives current market trends, and what future developments in construction industr...
Investičný riaditeľ Mint Investments pre HN: Najluxusnejšie byty v Metropolise sú porovnateľné s cenami v Eurovea 2
Investment director of Mint Investments for HN: The most luxurious Metropolis apartments are comparable to prices in Eurovea 2
“I think that the premium market is not at any risk because of current situation. One of the reasons for this is that there are few such apartments, and their package is limited,” says Jaroslav Mida, investment director at Mint Investments. How is the Metropolis project progressing?The project is progressing according to plan. Today we are between the eighth and ninth floors above ground,...
Pri kúpe bytu ľudia zvažujú aj to, či si majú kam dať vianočný stromček
When buying an apartment, people also consider whether they have a place to put up their Christmas tree
Top-quality materials and environmentally-friendly solutions are among the current trends appealing to buyers when looking for a new home. For more than 83% of respondents, the construction as such and layout are more important than the interior or standard alone, both of which can be changed if needed. This all comes from a survey carried out by Herrys real estate agency.Construction elements and...
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News in our offer

Family house | 107,67 m2
1 365 € /month
Real estate agency HERRYS offers for rent a cozy 2-room apartment in Ružinov on Jarabinkova street
1-bedroom apartme... | 53,39 m2
870 € /month
HERRYS - rental of a beautiful air-conditioned 1.5-room apartment in the project Nový Ružinov
1-bedroom apartme... | 44 m2
600 € /month
HERRYS - 4-room apartment for rent in Petržalka after complete reconstruction
3-bedroom apartme... | 80 m2
875 € /month
Real estate agency HERRYS offers for rent furnished 2-bedroom apartment in a new building Kopčianska
1-bedroom apartme... | 54 m2
700 € /month
HERRYS - For rent 2 room apartment 55m2 in Residence BLUMENTAL
1-bedroom apartme... | 55,43 m2
760 € /month
HERRYS - For sale is a large 2-room apartment with a separate kitchen in Palisády, Štetinová street
1-bedroom apartme... | 64,50 m2
269 000 €
HERRYS - For sale is a large 2-room apartment with a separate kitchen in Palisády, Štetinová street
2-bedroom apartme... | 82,80 m2
369 000 €
HERRYS - for rent exceptional 1-bedroom apartment in Eurovea Riverside project
1-bedroom apartme... | 83,74 m2
2 500 € /month
HERRYS - For rent new 2room apartment in Eurovea Tower with beautiful view
1-bedroom apartme... | 58,47 m2
1 500 € /month
HERRYS - For sale 3-room apartment with garage place on Vyšehradská street in Petržalka
2-bedroom apartme... | 72,88 m2
250 000 €
HERRYS real estate agency offers a 2-room apartment in Rovinka for rent
1-bedroom apartme... | 49,88 m2
500 € /month
HERRYS - lease of unfurnished air-conditioned office space in the Nový Ružinov project
Offices | 35 m2
550 € /month
HERRYS - lease of unfurnished and air-conditioned office space in the Nový Ružinov project
Offices | 70 m2
850 € /month
Real estate agency HERRYS offers for rent furnished 2-bedroom apartment on Lachova in Petržalka
2-bedroom apartme... | 68 m2
700 € /month
HERRYS - For rent 2-bedroom flat with loggia close to Shopping mall HRON
2-bedroom apartme... | 69,50 m2
500 € /month
HERRYS - for sale - 2 room flat with front yard, Racianska, BA III.
1-bedroom apartme... | 52,94 m2
319 000 €
HERRYS - for sale spacious 3-room apartment (113 m2) - possibility of remodeling into a 4-room.
2-bedroom apartme... | 113,60 m2
349 000 €
HERRYS - For rent 2 room apartment after complete reconstruction on the street Čsl.parachutistov
1-bedroom apartme... | 43,76 m2
600 € /month